Sunday 27 October 2013

IIT students ask government to provide them girlfriends

Kharagpur. Male students of IITscollege?” Ritesh argued, “I have found out about the college fees of many ‘normal universities in India and they are ridiculously low.
Then why are we being targeted even though we have to go through various hardships as compared to a non-engineering graduate?”
Not just the male students, even the female students of IITs agree that they should be compensated for spending four prime years of
their life in an environment that is anything but ‘normal.
The girl students too want a boyfriend who can appreciate the color of their salwar-kameez without thinking about the HTML code of
that color. have asked the government to keep a girlfriend ready for each of them once they graduate out of
the prestigious technological institutes. This was done after government decided to recover money from IIT students that was spent
by the government on their education. Students say that if the government wants to recover the cost incurred, they wanted to
recover the life lost.
“If they invest money for these four years, we invest our lives,” Ritesh Raj, a third year student at IIT Kharagpur said, “We have to
satisfy ourselves with Facebook girls even as our non-IITian school friends hang around with real girls in the real world. There are
not enough girls out here where the government has kept us captive for full four years!”
“If the government wants to recover money, we want to recover our golden years!” he added.
Earlier this month, HRD Minister Kapil Sibal had announced that IITs had agreed upon a proposal that made it incumbent upon the
general category IIT graduates to pay back the money that the government incurs on their education as soon as they find a job after
passing out. Students belonging to the reserved categories were kept out of this rule.
“We have no problems if they give a girlfriend each to the reserved category students too,” Ritesh claimed, “But those, who are being
asked to pay money, must get a girlfriend. This is the easiest way to compensate us for the life that we lose in these four years.”
Ritesh said that ideally the students should be compensated for various things such as living away from their family, eating mess
food, getting exposed to weirdoes, and becoming internet trolls � the commonly acknowledged negative effects of spending four
years in an engineering college � but the students have asked for something that was “workable”.
“Can the government claim that those students who study in non-engineering colleges pay up the full cost incurred by the....


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