Tuesday 18 March 2014

International Collaborations of IIT Delhi

Mechanical Engineering Department
collaborates with many national and
international institutions and organizations.
These collaborations are in the form of faculty
exchange, student exchange, joint curricula
development projects and joint research &
development projects. The notable among
them are University of Birmingham (UK),
KAIST (South Korea), Concordia University
(Canada), Asian Institute of Technology
(Thailand), INSA de Lyon (France),
University of Maryland College Park (USA),
L'Ecole Des Mines De Nantes (France),
Ecole Centrale de Lille (France), Technical
University of Darmstadt (Germany),
Universit�t Stuttgart (Germany), KTH
(Sweden), City University of Hong Kong
(Hong Kong), University of Virginia (USA),
INSA Toulouse (France), University of
British Columbia (Canada), Ecole des mines
d'Ales (France), Auburn University (USA),
EPFL (Lausanne), Ohio Sate University
(USA), The University of Massachusetts
(USA), Department of Atomic Energy, NTPC
(India) Parametric Technology Corporation
and CAPART (India).
The department faculty (Prof A Chawla and
Prof S Mukherjee) collaborate with University
of Birmingham in the area of crash
reconstruction and injury correlation under
the aegis of UK India Education & Research
Initiative (UKIERI). They also have
collaboration with University of Virginia as a
part of the Global Human Body Modeling
IIT Delhi Mechanical Engineering Department
and Institute of Production Management,
Technology and Machine Tools (PTW), Technical
University of Darmstadt have signed an MOU
on 30-07-2007 during visit of German
Chancellor Angela Merkel to India to start a
bilateral research project Designing Lean
Production Equipment and Manufacturing
Systems with funding from BMBF, Germany
and DST, India.
Along with KTH Sweden, Loughborough
University, UK and IIT Roorkee, IIT Delhi
participated in development of UG/PG
curricula in the area of Sound and Vibrations.
This was carried out as a part of EU Asia Link
Project involving above institutes. New set of
UG and PG courses in area of Sound and
Vibrations have been developed as a part of
this collaborative effort.
Department has MOU with Ecole Centrale de
Lille, France with Prof N Bhatnagar as
Coordinator from Indian side. Faculty
exchange, student exchange and joint Ph.D
guidance have taken place under this
Institute has initiated an Indo-Swiss Joint
Research Programme on Microengineering with
Prof S Mukherjee as coordinator from the
Indian side. This programme will bring
researchers from IIT Delhi and EPFL Lausanne
to work towards development of new products,
processes and technologies in the field of


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