Friday 2 August 2013

IIT-Madras to host workshop on recycling of construction waste

CHENNAI: IIT-Madras will host a workshop on
'Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling'
in collaboration with the Indian Concrete
Institute and the Central Public Works
Department next week.
According to the organizers, increasing
construction, maintenance, retrofitting and
demolition activities across the country
generate a considerable quantity of
construction and demolition waste that is just
dumped in landfills.
Experts estimate that the construction industry
in India generates about 15 million tonnes of
waste annually. Waste generation in Delhi is
estimated to be around 5,000 tonnes a day.
Experts say this creates huge challenges in
terms of space for disposal and unauthorized
dumping. There is potential for large-scale
recycling of this waste material.
"We are conducting the workshop to sensitize
engineers, policy makers, regulatory
authorities and other stakeholders of the
construction industry on recycling of
construction and demolition wastes and
management of the waste stream," said KN
Satynarayana, professor of civil engineering at
"We have invited experts from Hong Kong,
Singapore and South Korea to talk about
solutions developed in their countries,"
Satyanarayana said. Senior government
representatives, including the commissioners
of Chennai, Coimbatore and Madurai
corporations are taking part in the workshop.
Participants will be exposed to the reuse
potential of construction and demolition waste,
technical aspects in the use of recycled
concrete aggregates and best international
practices in implementation and enforcement.
Regulatory mechanism, demolition techniques,
transportation methods, classification and
processing, codes, standards and specifications
and equipment used in the recycling of
construction and demolition waste will also be
discussed in the workshop.
The workshop will be conducted at IIT-Madras
on August 5 and 6.


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