Friday 26 July 2013

Dhwani, BRCA - IIT Delhi takes the lead!

William Shakespeare had truly said, "If Music be
the food of love, play on", and considering the
same we, at IIT Delhi, would like to take
forward his words and materialize the sense of
music to a new level.
Dhwani, the inter hostel event, the Eastern
music event is round the corner and is also the
first ever event organized under the newly
reformed Board of Recreational and Creative
Activities(BRCA) in the Academic Year
2013-2014, is here and will be live on 4th of
August. The Music Club reincarnated in its new
form under the newly elected team has sought
for the excellence in music and performances.
Dhwani, in its own & new avatar would endorse
upon the event that includes performance
ranging from Classical to Bollywood & semi
classical andFusion too. The event expects performances
from all the 13 hostels in the campus and a
ceremonial act by a Delhi based band RISHI
RISHI Inc. would be performing in IIT-Delhi in a
much hyped fanfare that they have after their
2010's Last performance at IITD. The crowd,
and club as well, expects also the similar
professionalism in music from the participants
Rishi Inc. was founded way back in 2010, the
month of August and never looked back, with
the soaring performances and singles becoming
popular. 'Rishi Inc.' has its life based inside the
core members viz. Rishi, Santa, Tarit, Ritesh,
Anugrah and Gautam – six fellows who could
hear nothing but the sound of music and speak
nothing but the language of melody – were
brought together by their love for music.
Since the whole institute anticipating for an
exciting experience after a lot of amendments
the BRCA, I believe we will have to wait and
watch till the truth is revealed on 4th August.
Till then the campus will be buzzing with the
music practice sessions and 'RISHI Inc.' of


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