Wednesday 24 July 2013

Life of Mechanical Engineer

Mechanical branch is the hard branch ,it
needs strong people
as it is believed by a large number of people .
generally people think that boys are more
stronger than girls
thats why generally boys take mechanical
engineer,so chances of getting gals in
mechanical is very rare and even if by chance
u found any gals they may not be females
(that is they may be non males ) . i think you
can understand what non males means (less
attractive and arrogant gals).
In mechanical engineering ,there are a lot of
course which a mechies needs to read as
compared to other branches ( although
electronics and electrical guys also needs to
study a lot of course,but atleast mechanical is
better as compared to these branches in the
fact that mechanical involved practicals which
are really happened means even you can feel
them to happen),means mechanical branch is
close towards reality (one of the best things in
mechanical),because all the practicals
involved in mechanical course are generally
some shops (like welding ,machining shop etc)
or related to fluid dynamics or heat and
thermodynamics and also automobile
application is already there in
mechanical .force analysis ,velocity
analysis ,analysis of vehicle
dynamics ,efficiency of vehicles and shape and
all that are real ,means a mechanical engineer
can feel all these from inside ( and infact he
has to feel these from inside in his
engineering days ).
when a guy is in first year of
mechanical ,teacher started making his habbit
of regularly attending class, regular study
( because there are a lot of classes for
mechies )
as he passes first year ,teacher becomes more
weird ,they increase burden of syllabus on
mechies ,means in whole B.TECH. , a
mechanical guy have to be ready for anytime
classes ,regular study(or atleast regular
now lets talk about conditions in
practical ,generally all mechanical practicals
involved some heat or temprature , so a
mechies have a habbit of living in room
temprature (if even it is hot),that makes
mechies more stronger than any other branch
during days ,since approx no gals are
there in mech. so mechies are generally very
frustrated about gals (plz dont laugh or
comment at this , i am saying this after seeing
a lot of mech guys ). generally all mechies
generally run after gals ,some are even so
much frustated that they started join various
chat sites ,join various courses (where gals
also come ).they started making freindship
with other branch guys in search of gals by
reference ,means in all every thing they can
do they generally do . some guys started
travelling in good condition transport(so that
chance of seeing any gal is increased like in
AC III teir , or in any A.C . bus).
I have noticed a lot of guys ( i m in
final year ), in all my four years i saw life in
mechanical is even so much depressing in
case of gals that many mechies are become
fooled by sum fake chat ids , or by som
peoples,but a mechies never give up (like in
some cases , a boy can also goes to some
place far only bcz of chatting and he became
fooled ), he always keep trying like he start
bodybuilding, join some personality
development classes , start living with guys
who are more flirt , in some cases even starts
read sum books related to wooing gals (really i
have seen sum of my frndsdoing all above
mentioned things).
But yes mechies are weak only in case of gals
(that is true mostly,sum exception like me are
always there ),you can not fight them in other
fields like in fighting ,gossiping( bakar kaatne
mein ) and persisting (habbit of never give
up ).
Now lets have a look on some habbits of
mechies like it is said that smoke shud be
there to show the presence of mechanical ,
mechies always remain in group try to make
fun of one another , some make their thinking
that as they cant have gal frnds so no one can
have ( means all those guys who r saying that
they have a lot of gal frnds are fake ), some
make their thinking that when we will be in
job,then we make galfreinds,some smart guys
of mechanical dont want to join core
companies only bcz of this , they know they
have scope of wooing gals so they join
software or some other companies (mnc's).but
yes you cant get talent any where more than
mechanical . some mechies have habbit of
screwed themselves ,they can beat any
competition .
i think i have already bored you too much ,
see i am not writting this intentionally to any
one so if anyone get gurts by this i m very
very sorry , but this is what it has to be
if u like to discuss any thing ,u can discuss
with me or with others


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