Saturday 27 July 2013

Intel selects IIT Delhi for 5G project worth Rs 16 crore

develop 5G or Fifth Generation Technology.
IIT Delhi was the only university from Asia that
was chosen.
It’s estimated that Intel is pumping around
USD 3 million (approximately Rs 16.30 crore)
into the project. Verizon is the industry
partner for the venture.
As it takes around 10 years for each
generation, chances are that you will only be
able to use 5G on devices in around 2020.
What will 5G mean for you?
There’s no fixed concept of what 5G actually
but it will result in higher speeds with better
coverage for you.
Battery life is expected to last longer than it
does with 4G and a higher number of devices
will be supported.
The other universities in the project include:
University of Southern California
New York University
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Texas at Austin
University Fabra Pompeu
Purdue University
University of California at Los Angeles
Rice University
Macquarie University


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