Monday 29 July 2013

Obama Appoints IIT Bombay Alumnus Wadhwani to Key Administration Post

The White House on Friday announced the
appointment of Romesh Wadhwani, a
graduate of the Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT) in Bombay, as a General
Trustee of the Board of Trustees of the
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing
In a communique announcing the
appointment of Wadhwani and nine
others, including Caroline Kennedy,
President Barack Obama said, “These
dedicated men and women bring a wealth
of experience and talent to their new roles
and I am proud to have them serve in this
Administration. I look forward to working
with them in the months and years to
Wadhwani is actively involved in Kennedy
Center initiatives, having served as Co-
Chair of the Maximum India Festival in
2011 and as a supporter of the 2010
Honors Gala.
Wadhwani is the founder, Chairman, and
CEO of Symphony Technology Group and
was previously the founder, Chairman, and
CEO of several software and IT companies,
including Aspect Development, Inc.


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